I have the following document:
"name" : ["xxxx"],
"data" : ["aaa|0.1", "bbb|0.2", "ccc|0.3", "ddd|0.4", "eee|0.5", "fff|0.6", "ggg|0.7", "hhh|0.8", "iii|0.9"],
I have 2 use cases:
I want to control in the returned fields\ values, so I would like to get a response like this:
"hits" : {
"tota l" : 1,
"hits" : [ {
"fields" : {
"name" : [ "xxxx" ],
"value" : [ 0.7 ]
} ]
Basically I want to retrieve the name field, and the payload of the "ggg" term in the "data" field.
"hits" : {
"total" : 1,
"hits" : [ {
"fields" : {
"name" : [ "xxxx" ],
"value" : [ "ggg|0.7" ]
} ]
Here I want to retrieve the name field, and the load only "ggg|0.7" term to the "data" field.
I saw that maybe I can achieve this with script_fields, is this the only option?
If it is, should it be a native script, or inline script?