Control the returned fields values of a response


I have the following document:

   "name" : ["xxxx"],
   "data" : ["aaa|0.1", "bbb|0.2", "ccc|0.3", "ddd|0.4", "eee|0.5", "fff|0.6", "ggg|0.7", "hhh|0.8", "iii|0.9"],

I have 2 use cases:

  1. I want to control in the returned fields\ values, so I would like to get a response like this:

    "hits" : {
    "tota l" : 1,
    "hits" : [ {
    "fields" : {
    "name" : [ "xxxx" ],
    "value" : [ 0.7 ]
    } ]

Basically I want to retrieve the name field, and the payload of the "ggg" term in the "data" field.

    "hits" : {
       "total" : 1,
       "hits" : [ {
       "fields" : {
          "name" : [ "xxxx" ],
           "value" : [ "ggg|0.7" ]
     } ]

Here I want to retrieve the name field, and the load only "ggg|0.7" term to the "data" field.

I saw that maybe I can achieve this with script_fields, is this the only option?
If it is, should it be a native script, or inline script?


script_fields might work but this looks to me like a very complex solution compared to just doing the processing on client side?

The problem is that this field can contain 800K terms, meaning the response will be huge..
This is why I am doing the processing in Elasticsearch.