Controls and Vega-Lite do not work AND Interactive Vega-Lite do not work to full extent

Kibana version: 6.7.0

Elasticsearch version: 6.7.0

Original install method (e.g. download page, yum, from source, etc.): docker

Information about experience and what I am trying to achive (Controls and Vega-Lite): I want to visualize time series and when there is anomaly to mark with red and when there is no anomaly to mark it with green or not mark it at all. I tried many different visualization with kibana but I did not manage to get a visualization that does the job so I turned to vega-lite. Vega-lite is an excelent visualization tool but I want to make it more interactive. I managed to make a simple visualization with dummy data in vega-lite but when let's say the user only wants to see one or two types of logs the proper way is to set it trough some control and to visualize only those logs. The only solution that I managed to find is to change the code (which will not work in production).

Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior (Controls and Vega-Lite!) :
-Applying a filter trough controls and showing only those line that are specified (expected)

-Nothing changes from the graph is the same as before (actual)

**The code that I am using with Vega-Lite **

  title: Event counts from all indexes
  data: {
    url: {
      index: log*
      body: {
      size: 100
      sort : [
        { "timestamp" : {"order" : "desc"}},
        query: {
          range: {
            timestamp: {gte: "now-110h/d", lte: "now"}
    format: {property: "hits.hits"}
  layer: [
      mark: {type: "line"}
      encoding: {
        x: {field: "_source.timestamp", type: "temporal", 
        "axis": {"title": "Timestamp"}}
        y: {field: "_source.count", type: "quantitative"
        "axis": {"title": "Value"}}
        color: {field: "_source.severity", type: "nominal", "scale": {"range": ["green", "blue", "red","orange","black"]}}
    // {
    //   mark: {type: "point"}
    //   encoding: {
    //     x: {field: "_source.timestamp", type: "temporal", "timeUnit": "yearmonthdatehoursminutes"}
    //     y: {field: "_source.value", type: "quantitative"}
    //     color: {field: "symbol", type: "nominal"}
    //   }
    // }
      mark: {type: "circle" size: "100"}
      encoding: {
        x: {field: "_source.timestamp", type: "temporal"}
        y: {field: "_source.count", type: "quantitative"}
        color: {field: "_source.anomaly", type: "nominal", "scale": {"range": ["green", "blue", "red"]}}
      "hover": {
              "fillOpacity": {"value": 0.5}

Information about experience and what I am trying to achive (Interactive Vega-Lite) :
Well on the vega-lite examples when you hover over a value a small window appears that show you the information that that dot has, while when you do the same in kibana that window never opens. I was wondering can I somehow enable this in kibana

Description of the problem including expected versus actual behavior (Interactive Vega-Lite):
-When you hover the window appears like in the image (Expected screenshot from vega-lite examples
-Nothing appears in kibana (screenshot from kibana)


For Vega to understand it needs to apply the filters, you will need to include the %context% variable in your data-definition.

For an example, see the Drawing section on this page.

Extracted here:

  data: {
    # URL object is a context-aware query to Elasticsearch
    url: {
      # The %-enclosed keys are handled by Kibana to modify the query
      # before it gets sent to Elasticsearch. Context is the search
      # filter as shown above the dashboard. Timefield uses the value 
      # of the time picker from the upper right corner.
      %context%: true
      %timefield%: @timestamp
      index: logstash-*


I have tried with many properties they do not seem to work (probably I do not know how to set them I have tried with multiple values for multiple properties but I can not find a proper example how to use them) , the only property that I managed to make it work is with the timefield and change it trough the time range field that is on the top left corner of kibana

I am not so sure that this will work for lets say the index (or index patterns) because there is not a special field or tab to change

P.S. I want to know how interactive can I make the graphs or dashboards

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