Convert column to JSON

I am new to ELK.
I am trying to import a CSV file into elasticsearch using Logstash.I have got all the fields into elasticSearch and it is of type doc.

I can see it in both Table and json formats.

My problem is, one of the fields contains multiple sub fields, I want to parse them as Jason. For example
Brand:Honda, car: "City", year:"2002", Engine:"1.5L",Dimensions:"{Length:"300cm", Breadth:"180cm", Height"150cm"}"

The Dimensions is shown as a string and not as a JSON. Is there any way to parse Dimensions as JSON using logstash filters.
The current conf file looks like this.
input {

    file {
    path => "C:/program files/logstash-6.5.1/data/raw.csv"
    start_position => "beginning"
	  sincedb_path => "nul"
    codec => "json"
filter {
      csv {
        separator => ","
        columns => ["Brand","Car","year","Dimensions"]
      json {
        source => ["Dimensions"]
output {

elasticsearch {

hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]

index => ["dermapenexperimentjson"]

manage_template => false


stdout {codec => rubydebug}


Now this script runs, but Dimensions is still shown as string in Elasticsearch not as a Json.

I get the following error if I try to introduce a json filter for Dimensions in config file.

:error=>#<LogStash::Json::ParserError: incompatible json object type=java.lang.String , only hash map or arrays are supported

Can you post a proper example of your JSON? The one you posted above is not valid JSON.

hope this helps you,

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