Convert Mapping from 1.4 to 5.4

We are currently converting ES 1.4 to 5.4 and facing an issue loading data for one of the Types.

Current Mapping in ES 1.4

"record-search": {
	"properties": {
		"value": {
			"properties": {
				"dynamic-field": {
					"type": "object",
					"enabled": false



The data contained in the Type record-search:

"_source": {
	"value": {
		"dynamic-field": [
				"key": "Key 1",
				"keydata": ["Test Data 1", "Test Data 2"]
				"key": "Key 2",
				"keydata": [{
					"option": "some value",
					"searchType": "type name"
				"w": "Created By"


The keydata field can contain an array of Objects or simple array of strings and it is dynamic. Also the dynamic-field can have different properties which may not not defined in mapping.

We are not able to load similar data in ES 5.4. Can some one let us know what needs to be changed in the mapping. We are facing an issue with keydata as it has different type of values like, array of objects/array of strings

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