Convert Minutes in to hour in Kibana field "TotalDuration"

I calulating sum of TotalDuration field in kibana , TotalDuration field is in Minutes.
i want to convert minutes in to Hours while dispalying in kibana visulization .

I tried json input :
"script": {
"inline1":"doc['TotalDuration'].value / 60",

getting visulization error . Please advise.

Hi @Vivek_Nigam. "getting visualization error" does not give us enough information. Do you see specific errors in your browser? Maybe you can share a screenshot?

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Thanks , Now i am getting the value using below script but output hours are not correct.
"script": {

Hours Value getting:

But correct Hours value is :

Hi @Vivek_Nigam. What version of Kibana are you using? Also, what is the mapping for the fields you are using?

Kibana version :7.9.1

Thanks. Can you also answer this?

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