Convert object type data to array in Elastic search watcher


I am trying to run a Elasticsearch watcher, but I am stuck in the chain input,

I have a http fetch -> transfrom the http response data -> used by the index search

the http response data is simply a json like this ["1","9","7","1","7"]

when I pass it to index search query it automatically convert to something like this

"body": {
                "query": {
                  "bool": {
                    "must": {
                      "terms": {
                        "labels.project_id": [
                          "{0=1, 1=9, 2=7, 3=1, 4=7}"

I expect it simply be a normal array like ["1","9","7","1","7"], is there any way to convert it back to normal array?

below is my full query for the input part

"input": {
              "request" : {
              "host" : "",
              "path" : "/prod/tasks" ,
               "scheme": "https",
        "port": 443
            "transform" : {
            "script" : "return ['ids': ctx.payload.first.projectId]"
                           "labels.project_id": ["{{ctx.payload.second.ids}}"]