Convert timestamp to epoctime with milisecond

Hi , this is my first question.

I would like convert @timestamp to epoch-time with millisecond
Because I want millisecond not second , I try check the latency through the messaging queue.

Here is my code,

ruby {
code => "event.set('epoc', event.get('@timestamp').to_i)"

Is there the other method ? ( to_i method convert to second)

You could convert to float, multiply by 1000 and convert the result to int. (But maybe there is a more elegant way.)

ruby {
    code => "event.set('epoc', (event.get('@timestamp').to_f*1000).to_i)"

Thank you quick response. Jenni.
I didn't know to_f method.

Though I try it , millisecond part is all zero (like below)

  a)my old code (to_i method)
   - code  
               code => "event.set('epoc', event.get('@timestamp').to_i)"
   -  output
               "epoc" => 1522983522,
  b)new code (you suggested)
   - code  
               code => "event.set('epoc', (event.get('@timestamp').to_f * 1000).to_i)"
   -  output
                "epoc" => 1522983522000,

I want accurate value of milli second ( "000" of 21522983522000").
Could you have more idea ?

Mh. That's strange. I had tried that before posting and it seemed to work for me:

"@timestamp" => 2018-04-06T07:59:21.130Z,
"epoc" => 1523001561130

"@timestamp" => 2018-04-06T08:01:36.846Z,
"epoc" => 1523001696846

Is there a chance that you are losing that level of precision one step earlier when you are creating the timestamp? What does the original timestamp look like in the rubydebug output?

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