In our journey of converting 7.x client code into 8.x code we ran into one more challenge.
Observe the following code that converts aggregation data retrieved from the client into a list of our Agg
dto objects.
public static @NotNull List<Agg> toAggList(final @NotNull Map<String, Aggregate> aggregations) {
if (aggregations.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
final var results = new ArrayList<Agg>();
for (final var aggItem : aggregations.entrySet()) {
final var aggregationName = aggItem.getKey();
final var aggBuilder = Agg.builder()
final var aggregation = aggregations.get(aggregationName);
// REMARK: map to aggBuckets to get the count of each aggregation bucket.
// The original 7.x code iterated over the buckets of a terms aggregation here.
final var aggBuckets= new ArrayList<AggBucket>();
return results;
The Orginal 7.X code had the following:
for (final Aggregation aggItem : aggregations.asList()) {
final var aggregationName = aggItem.getName();
final var aggObject = Agg.builder()
final Terms aggregation = aggregations.get(aggregationName);
final var details = new ArrayList<AggBucket>();
for (final var entry : aggregation.getBuckets()) {
AggBucket aggBucket = new AggBucket();
aggBucket.setValue((String) entry.getKey()); // Term
aggBucket.setCount((int) entry.getDocCount()); // Doc count
The problem is how to get to the Terms aggregation to get to the list of buckets to get the count.
In the 8.x code I can check aggregation.isMultiTerms()
and then do aggregation.multiTerms()
and try to continue from there or do similar with dozens of other flavours terms aggregations.
What is the right approach?