Coordinate converting issue!

Hello. I am stuck in this issue for days.
I send the bounding box and get this response:

"took": 2,

"timed_out": false,

"_shards": {

    "total": 5,

    "successful": 5,

    "skipped": 0,

    "failed": 0


"hits": {

    "total": {

        "value": 10000,

        "relation": "gte"


    "max_score": null,

    "hits": []


"aggregations": {

    "zoomed-in": {

        "doc_count": 441892,

        "zoom1": {

            "buckets": [


                    "key": "3/4/2",

                    "doc_count": 371593



                    "key": "3/4/1",

                    "doc_count": 70091



                    "key": "3/3/2",

                    "doc_count": 207



                    "key": "3/3/3",

                    "doc_count": 1







As I googled, I had to convert the given Web Mercator value to latitude and longitude by an external library. But the results are not precise at all.
My questions:
Is there any alternative response that I can use for more precise localization.
and then what should I do.

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