Hi all,
I have an analytics system and for every user action I log an event. The event contains event specific but also session level data.
I've created a transform to create a user centric entity. on the transform I want to copy several values from the latest event document to the transform document.
I've got it working with the latestDocument example:
"latest_doc": {
"scripted_metric": {
"init_script": "state.timestamp_latest = 0L; state.last_doc = ''",
"map_script": """
def current_date = doc['ts'].getValue().toInstant().toEpochMilli();
if (current_date > state.timestamp_latest)
{state.timestamp_latest = current_date;
state.last_doc = new HashMap(params['_source']);}
"combine_script": "return state",
"reduce_script": """
def last_doc = '';
def timestamp_latest = 0L;
for (s in states) {if (s.timestamp_latest > (timestamp_latest))
{timestamp_latest = s.timestamp_latest; last_doc = s.last_doc;}}
return last_doc
What I'd like is a way to just copy some of the fields directly on the root without duplicating the scripted metric. What would be a good way to achieve it?
many thanks in advance