Core vs extended field regarding a mutate error

I'm getting a mutate error where the "host" value is being set to the "device_hostname"but was wondering if it's because one is a core field and the other is an extended field?

Here is what is being applied in my filter:

"host "=> "[host][hostname]"
"device_hostname" => "[host][id]"

That said, it seems to be the similar problem as this link correct? :

Correct me if I'm wrong but rather than "copy" in the referenced article we are working with one "host" object due to "[host][hostname]" and "[host][id]" . Where one is a core field and the other is an extended, when my intent is to have them separate objects.

What is your mutate filter configuration?

Here is my filter, it's the second mutate that I'm having issues with:

filter {
  if "some_platform" in [ls-source] {
   json { source => "message" }
   json { source => "message" }
   mutate { gsub => [ "message", "^[^{]+", "" ] }
   json { source => "message" }
    add_field => {
      "event_type" => "%{[fields][event_type]}"
      "log_offset" => "%{[log][offset]}"
      "log_filepath" => "%{[log][file][path]}"
      "agent_name" => "%{[agent][hostname]}"
      "agent_id" => "%{[agent][id]}"
      "agent_version" => "%{[agent][version]}"
      "ephemeral_id" => "%{[agent][ephemeral_id]}"
      "type" => "%{[agent][type]}"
      "device_label" => "%{[device][label]}"
      "device_ip" => "%{[device][ip]}"
      "device_hostname" => "%{[device][hostname]}"
      "device_macaddress" => "%{[device][macaddress]}"
      "device_vendor" => "%{[device][vendor]}"
      "priority" => "%{[model][priority]}"
      "model_description" => "%{[model][description]}"
      "ecs_version" => "%{[ecs][version]}"
   rename => {
    "@timestamp" => "[event][ingested]"
    "event_type" => "[event][type]"
    "ls-source" => "[event][category]"
    "priority" => "[event][risk_score]"
    "score" => "[event][risk_score_norm]"
    "host "=> "[host][hostname]"
    "device_hostname" => "[host][id]"
    "device_ip" => "[host][ip]"
    "device_macaddress" => "[device][mac]"
    "port" => "[source][port]"
    "device_vendor" => "[observer][vendor]"
    "device_label" => "[observer][product]"
    "agent_name" => "[agent][name]"
    "agent_id" => "[agent][id]"
    "agent_version" => "[agent][version]"
    "breachUrl" => "[threat][enrichments][indicator][url][full]"
    "model_description" => "[threat][enrichments][indicator][description]"
    "creationTime" => "[event][created]"
    "origin" => "[event][id]"
    "log_type" => "[event][kind]"
    "log_offset" => "[log][offset]"
    "ephemeral_id" => "[ephemeral][id]"
    "pbid" => "[service][id]"
    "log_filepath" => "[log][file][path]"
    "@version" => "[observer][version]"
    "ecs_version" => "[ecs][version]"

Can you enable debug logging and tell us what gets logged here.

Also, it is unclear why you would

mutate { add_field => { "ecs_version" => "%{[ecs][version]}" } }
mutate { rename => { "ecs_version" => "[ecs][version]" } }

which is going to be a no-op if the original [ecs][version] field exists and is a string. If it is not a string it will get converted to a string. If it does not exist then it will get set to the literal string "%{[ecs][version]}".

The same applies to several other fields.

What is your ecs_compatibility setting? In particular, is [host] a string or an object?

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