Correlate data from two different saved searches and plot it into the same graph

Hi to all,
I have two saved search, the one is called api, and looks something like:

|      @timestamp       |   @id  |  related_func_id  |  integration_latency  |
|  28-May-18 03:40.001  |    1   |       id_a        |          250          |
|  28-May-18 03:41.001  |    2   |       id_b        |          321          |
|  28-May-18 03:42.001  |    3   |       id_c        |          519          |

the second is called function and it looks like this:

|      @timestamp       |  @id   |  duration  |
|  28-May-18 03:40.100  |  id_a  |     100    |
|  28-May-18 03:41.80   |  id_b  |     51     |
|  28-May-18 03:42.45   |  id_c  |     42     |

This two graphs means, that: the api with @id 1 takes 250ms to complete, and of these 250ms, 100 were spent to execute the function with id id_a. The api.related_func_id could be seen as a hypothetical join with function.@id.

What I would is a graph like

^ y
|                      +-----+  <--- 250 ms
|                      |XXXXX|
|                      |XXXXX|
|                      |XXXXX|
|                      |XXXXX|
|                      |XXXXX|
|                      |XXXXX|
|                      +-----+  <--- 100 ms
|                      |.....|
|                      |.....|
|                      |.....|
|                      |.....|
+----------------------+-----+----------------------> x

I would correlate this search into the same graph, for example, a stacked histogram like this. Can I correlate this in Kibana? How can I do this?

This is not something that Kibana supports today.

APM accomplishes similar capabilities. All of that project is open-source so you're more than welcome to see how their plugin was built.

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