Could not test configuration of filebeat

after installing filebeat and configuring the file filebeat.yml to specify the host IP .I tried to test its configuration .
after specifying the location of the installation of filebeat , i run this command to tst its configuration.
./filebeat -configtest -e

but this error occurs
[cmarwa@vds005 filebeat-5.5.0-linux-x86_64]$ ./filebeat -configtest -e
filebeat2017/07/14 09:57:13.514224 beat.go:339: CRIT Exiting: error loading config file: yaml: line 82: did not find expected key
Exiting: error loading config file: yaml: line 82: did not find expected key

Please any help !!! i want to know if the configuration went well

Looks like you have a syntax error on line 82. That is, no filebeat is not correctly configured and will refuse to start up.

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