Count maximum possible score for query

Does it is possible to count theoretical possible score for query?
I have query with a lot of 'shoulds' with different boost for each should.
I see 2 possibilities :

  • stupid : make doc which will always correspond for 100% shoulds in query and it will give me real max_score
  • elasticsearch script

I am using Elastic 5.4.

Could you help me?

This is not easily doable in a traditional search system like the ones based on Lucene (like Elasticsearch, Solr etc...). Here are some reasons related to Lucene queries that also apply to Elasticsearch: (second part)


Even if possible, there is hardly any good reason to do so, but it would be interesting to learn about the motivation you are having to do this.

So. I've already made it.
My task was to find people which corresponds to some offer and get percentage of how they meet the conditions.

Person 1 has attributes :

  • country : Poland
  • sex : male
  • age : 20
  • parents : [Adam, Kate]

Person 2:

  • country : Germany
  • sex : female
  • age : 22
  • parents : [Adolf, Emma]

Person 3:

  • country : Norway
  • sex : male
  • age : 30
  • parents : [George, Hannah]

Query :
(don't look at syntax, it's changed for ORM which I use)

    $query = ES::raw()->search([
        "index" => "search_worker",
        "type"  => "worker",
        "body"  => [
            "size"  => intval(env("WS_SUGGESTED_LIMIT")),
            "query" => [
                "bool" => [
                    "should" => [
                         "term" => [
                            "country" => [
                               "value" => 'Poland', 
                               "boost" => 1
                         "term" => [
                            "sex" => [
                               "value" => 'male', 
                               "boost" => 1
                         "term" => [
                            "age" => [
                               "value" => 24, 
                               "boost" => 1
                         "term" => [
                            "parents" => [
                               "value" => 'George', 
                               "boost" => 0.5
                         "term" => [
                            "parents" => [
                               "value" => 'Kate', 
                               "boost" => 0.5

So. Total score for this search is sum all boosts in query = 4.
Person 1 has score 2.5
Person 2 has score 0.
Person 3 has score 1.5

Then simply
P.ex. Person 1 meets the query in 62,5%.

Hope that you understand and ofc. waiting for better way to solve that, if exists.

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