I'm new and I like more and more elasticsearch.
I'm working on a statistic dashboard actually on MySQL whose I'm trying to
transform on elasticsearch.
That's my index :
'phone_number': '0123456789',
'status': 'Busy',
'site_name': 'toto',
'call_duration': 82,
'url': 'http://localhost/test',
'browser_version': '23.0.1271.97',
'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 1, 14, 12, 42),
'price': 1.1,
'browser': 'Google Chrome'
} {
'phone_number': '0223456789',
'status': 'HangUp',
'site_name': 'pipo',
'call_duration': 100,
'url': 'http://localhost/index',
'browser_version': '23.0.1271.97',
'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 2, 14, 12, 42),
'price': 1.5,
'browser': 'Google Chrome'
} {
'phone_number': '0333456789',
'status': 'HangUp',
'site_name': 'pouet',
'call_duration': 82,
'url': 'http://localhost',
'browser_version': '23.0.1271.97',
'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 2, 16, 12, 42),
'price': 1.1,
'browser': 'Google Chrome'
} {
'phone_number': '0443456789',
'status': 'Busy',
'site_name': 'tutu',
'call_duration': 82,
'url': 'http://localhost',
'browser_version': '23.0.1271.97',
'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 3, 12, 12, 42),
'price': 1.1,
'browser': 'Google Chrome'
} {
'phone_number': '0553456789',
'status': 'Invalid',
'site_name': 'tutu',
'call_duration': 50,
'url': 'http://localhost',
'browser_version': '23.0.1271.97',
'date': datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 3, 17, 12, 42),
'price': 1.1,
'browser': 'Google Chrome'
I would like create a table like that :
DATE | CALL_DURATION | PRICE | Status HangUp | Status busy | Status
2013-06-03 | 132 | 2.2 | 0 | 1 | 1
2013-06-02 | 182 | 2.6 | 2 | 0 |0
I build this query :
'query': {
'filtered': {
'filter': {
'range': {
'date': {
'to': datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 3, 0, 0),
'include_upper': False,
'from': datetime.datetime(2013, 6, 1, 0, 0)
'query': {
'match_all': {}
'facets': {
'date_facet_price': {
'date_histogram': {
'value_field': 'price',
'interval': 'day',
'key_field': 'date'
'date_facet_call': {
'date_histogram': {
'value_field': 'call_duration',
'interval': 'day',
'key_field': 'date'
I've got this result :
- date_facet_price:
{- _type: "date_histogram",
- count: 8149,
- total: 8680.499999999962,
- total_count: 8149,
- min: 0,
- max: 6.03,
- time: 1370044800000,
- mean: 1.0652227267149297
- count: 2325,
- total: 2374.9300000000003,
- total_count: 2325,
- min: 0,
- max: 6.33,
- time: 1370131200000,
- mean: 1.0214752688172044
- count: 5199,
- total: 5658.63999999999,
- total_count: 5199,
- min: 0,
- max: 5,
- time: 1370217600000,
- mean: 1.0884093094825908
- date_facet_call:
{- _type: "date_histogram",
- count: 8149,
- total: 1,
- total_count: 8149,
- min: 0,
- max: 4,
- time: 1370044800000,
- mean: 0.011657872131549884
- count: 2325,
- total: 2,
- total_count: 2325,
- min: 0,
- max: 1,
- time: 1370131200000,
- mean: 0.01032258064516129
- count: 5199,
- total: 3,
- total_count: 5199,
- min: 50,
- max: 100,
- time: 1370217600000,
- mean: 0.0044239276783996926
I'would like to recover the status distribution by day, like mean of price
for example :.
- status:
{- _type: "terms",
- total: 15673,
- count: 2,
- term: "HangUp",
time: 1370131200000
- count: 1,
- term: "Busy",
time: 1370131200000
- count: 3,
- term: "NoAnswer",
time: 1370131200000
- count: 1,
- term: "Invalid"
], - other: 0,
- missing: 0
I hope I was clear.
Thank you for read.
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