Create New cluster

Im new to elasticsearch , I need to create a cluster with 3 nodes. my Query is
How many master nodes i suppose to have ?
How many data nodes i suppose to have ?
is ingest node is required ?
How many shards, i need to have for a index ?
Experts , please suggest

Just start the 3 nodes and keep all default settings regarding node roles.

So with 3 nodes, all them will be master, data, ingest.

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As you are new, I suppose that you're using Elasticsearch latest version that creates one shard per index. That is enough as you'll certainly not have more than 2,147,483,519 documents on your shard.
You don't have to have dedicated ingest node, as @dadoonet said, just let the default settings (all master, data and ingest).
By growing in experience You'll certainly be able to define more precisely your needs.

Welcome by here

@Askia_Mohamed_Kadri @dadoonet, Thanks for guidance , i created cluster now.
Its now showing few Unassigned shard.
cluster health: yellow (132 of 145)

Please suggest

GET _cat/shards?h=index,shard,prirep,state,unassigned.reason
Use this query to see what is the reason you have unassigned shards

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