Hello ppl,
I have a Filebeat > Logstash > Elasticsearch set up in my environment where we are collecting logs data by installing Filebeat and forwarding the data via logstash input. However, we have a peculiar situation where we have 3 different apps with 3 different logs hosted on the same server.
I have configured the Filebeat.yml to send logs from these 3 logs under the filebeat.inputs field.
My question is, is it possible to create separate indexes for each of these logs in Elastic?
I tried some of the below settings in the logstash input pipeline but it didnt work and I keep getting an error when I start logstash.
input plugin:
input {
beats {
port => 5058
path => "H:\LogFiles\ABC\abc.log"
tags => "ABC"
tags => "hostname"
beats {
port => 5058
path => "H:\LogFiles\PQR\pqr.log"
tags => "PQR"
tags => "hostname"
beats {
port => 5058
path => "H:\LogFiles\XYZ\xyz.log*"
tags => "XYZ"
tags => "hostname"
And, here's my filebeat.input setting in the yml file:
============================== Filebeat inputs ===============================
type: filestream
enabled: true
id: abc
paths:- H:\LogFiles\ABC\abc.log
type: filestream
enabled: true
id: pqr
paths:- H:\LogFiles\PQR\pqr.log
type: filestream
enabled: true
id: xyz
paths:- H:\LogFiles\XYZ\xyz.log