Creating a cumulative graph in Kibana based on histogram

Using timelion it is possible to create a cumulative graph with dates on the X-axis.

Is there a way to create a cumulative graph (with or without timelion) using a histogram on the X-axis? I tried feeding timelion my histogram data to the timeline argument, i.e. .es(timeline=my_data_series), but it (expectedly) choked.

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Please correct me if I am misinterpreting your question, but this can easily be done in Kibana without Timelion.

I don't think your graph is cumulative (if it was it would never go down).

Also, on the X-axis I want to use a field that is not a time series. I.e. a regular histogram, not a date histogram.

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Did you find any solution?


No, unfortunately not.

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Have you considered a custom visualization?

I don't know what you mean by that. Do you have an example?