Creating a table "tagging" computers in Kibana

Hi, I was wondering whether it would be possible to create a table "tagging" computers on Kibana? We currently have a large number of PCs used worldwide and I'd like to keep track of where they are being used, how hard they are being worked and how often they are being utilized.

Ideally, every time a computer from the system comes online on I'd like to know its maximum CPU, GPU and memory usages as well as its location and number of times it has been put online in the last year. So the Table would be:

PC Identification, date most recently online, location when online, CPU, GPU, Memory and number of times taken online in last year.

The table would update for each computer when they are taken online and then not update until that computer is taken offline and then back on again.

Would this be possible with Kibana and what functions would be needed to make it work?

Thanks a lot,

Hi Ed,

Have you taken a look at our metricbeat offering?

It gives many of the stats you've mentioned.

Hi Lukas,
Yes I have, I've made some visulizations and dashboards that show the variables I'm after currently or at a previous time, but I haven't been able to work out how to make these values "freeze" and not go back to zero when the PC is taken offline and I haven't been able to find a value for when the PC was last taken offline or the number of times it's been taken online in a year.

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