Hi guys,
I'm trying to use the Java API to help embed ElasticSearch in my tests. I'm seem to be getting stuck with setting the "settings" on the index. I have a JSON String:
{ "settings":{ "index":{ "number_of_replicas":0, "number_of_shards":1, "store.fs.memory.enabled":true, "store.type":"memory" } } }
And I'm basically calling:
ciReq = createIndexRequest(index.name) .settings(index.settings) //JSON String as shown above return idxClient.create(ciReq).actionGet().acknowledged()
I've tried the JSON in a number of formats based on examples that I've seen. But nothing seems to have an effect on the created index. The logs always come back with something like this:
... [Oddball] creating Index [myindex], shards [5]/[1]
And the index is not in-memory.
Any help would be much appreciated.