Creating my own QueryBuilder

I'm trying to integrate a 3rd party plugin into Elasticsearch.
The query request I made including a 3rd party plugin is working properly via kibana. Then I tried to create my own QueryBuilder using the Elasticsearch's java API. I was able to recreate the query I needed but I receive this error ""Unknown NamedWriteable [org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder][]""

Anyone can point me on what I can do next.

The party of the query I'm trying to customize is in the rescore portion:
"rescore" : [
"window_size" : 200,
"query" : {
"rescore_query" : {
"nested" : {
"query" : {
"function_score" : {
"3rdPartyFunction" : {
"param1" : "parentField.childField",
"param2" : "mike jones",
"param3" : 1,
"param4" : 0.5
"path" : "parentField",
"ignore_unmapped" : false,
"score_mode" : "max",
"boost" : 1.0
"query_weight" : 0.0,
"rescore_query_weight" : 1.0,
"score_mode" : "max"

Did you register the query builder? Your plugin class will need to implement SearchPlugin interface and override the getQueries() method.

Your plugin needs to be installed on all your nodes in the cluster and the client that you use in your application.

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