Crystal Reports with ElasticSearch

The ElasticSearch looks like a very good way to index and search a large amount of data.

Creating reports for distribution on an automatic basis such as Data Warehousing . We currently use the Business Objects Warehouse from SAP to create reports using data cubes and other data.

I have used Crystal Reports to read a JSON data base and produce summary reports - for distribution.
Reports created at specific times, create time-stamped record of performance and are very important.

My question is: What is the format of search results? Where can I get a sample of a search result file.
If the file of the search results is JSON, I may be able to read the results directly. If not, can the search results be downloaded as an Excel file? Do I need a plug-n to transfer the search results to a Windows system?

All is JSON with elasticsearch.

Want to see what a response looks like?

  • Download elasticsearch
  • Start it
  • run:
PUT index/type/1
  "foo": "bar"
GET index/_search

And you're done.

Also I'd advice to install Kibana. If you play with it, you will see directly in Kibana the output of elasticsearch queries.
Have a look at request/response.