CSV filter last field add all information also with delimiter

Hi, I am using the CSV filter however the file I have should only have 6 fields where the last field is a string. in this string field however the deliminator can occur, now this field is split again. How can I place all the information only in the 6 fields and force the last information all into one field?

Here is an example CSV file input:
2016-11-01 09:13:41,9,447590345033,25539759,11,/,1,Your airtimMBDataBundle: * MB

Here is an example of my filter :
csv {
columns => [
separator => ","
remove_field => ["message"]

The expected output would be:
Date_Time = 2016-11-01 09:13:41 Nr. = 9 Call = 447590345033 Called = 25539759 Code = 11 String = /,1,Your airtimMBDataBundle: * MB

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