Parsing text file with specific fields


I want to parse a csv file that's look like this:
EventId : 212, Level : Informational, Message : Receiver RetoursStatutVcom last executed on 20170223-000407, duration 5257 ms, Payload : [name : RetoursStatutVcom] [lastExecution : 20170223-000407] [lastDurationinMs : 5257] , EventName : TraceAliveInfo, Timestamp : 2017-02-22T23:04:11.0065190Z, ProcessId : 7484, ThreadId : 10696

Each field contain name and value.
I saw that it could be done with csv filter but how can I drop field name ?
-> EventId : 212 should become 212

Any ideas?

I suggest you instead use the kv filter.

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