Curator 8 not showing all indexes

I am usining : pip install -U elasticsearch-curator to get version 8
ran: curator --dry-run --config ./curator.yml ./delete_log_files_curator.yml

action file :slight_smile:

    action: delete_indices
    description: >-
      Delete indices. Find which to delete by first limiting the list to
      logstash- prefixed indices. Then further filter those to prevent deletion
      of anything less than the number of days specified by unit_count.
      Ignore the error if the filter does not result in an actionable list of
      indices (ignore_empty_list) and exit cleanly.
      ignore_empty_list: True
      disable_action: False
    - filtertype: pattern
      kind: regex
      value: ^\..+
      exclude: true
    - filtertype: age
      source: creation_date
      direction: older
      unit: days
      unit_count: 90

I am missing a whole lot of indexes that are not picked up by curator
Basiclly anything all indexes that start with test are not shown

here is the begining of the log:

`2023-03-09 15:57:50,052 INFO      Preparing Action ID: 1, "delete_indices"
2023-03-09 15:57:50,053 INFO      Creating client object and testing connection
2023-03-09 15:57:50,053 INFO      Creating client object and testing connection
2023-03-09 15:57:50,061 INFO      Trying Action ID: 1, "delete_indices": Delete indices. Find which to delete by first limiting the list to logstash- prefixed indices. Then further filter those to prevent deletion of anything less than the number of days specified by unit_count. Ignore the error if the filter does not result in an actionable list of indices (ignore_empty_list) and exit cleanly.
2023-03-09 15:57:50,335 INFO      DRY-RUN MODE.  No changes will be made.
2023-03-09 15:57:50,335 INFO      (CLOSED) indices may be shown that may not be acted on by action "delete_indices".
2023-03-09 15:57:50,335 INFO      DRY-RUN: delete_indices: int379-2-2022.49 with arguments: {}
2023-03-09 15:57:50,335 INFO      DRY-RUN: delete_indices: int379-2-2022.50 with arguments: {}
2023-03-09 15:57:50,335 INFO      DRY-RUN: delete_indices: int379-2-2022.51 with arguments: {}
2023-03-09 15:57:50,335 INFO      DRY-RUN: delete_indices: int379-2-2022.52 with arguments: {}``

Have no idea why it wouldn't show me test*** indexs

Just a guess here, but I don't see that you've allowed ILM affiliated indices here, and that might be what's missing. See the documentation for more info.

Also, if they are test indices, are you certain you have any that are older than 90 days by creation_date? If not, they wouldn't appear. You can always change the unit_count to a smaller number while continuing to use --dry-run to see if any are picked up.

Thanks so much ! that was it !
Also, thanks for bringing back curator for version 8 !!!

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