Custom analyzer returning wrong document


I am writing some custom analyzers to handle specific special characters that I care about, and still use the standard tokenizer (can't use whitespace or pattern for my documents).

This is the scenario I'm trying to get working:

A document contains the text AT&T which gets character mapped to ATAMPERSAND_SYMBOLampSEMICOLON_SYMBOLT via the index_analyzer (should be single token with standard tokenizer).

Then, by searching AT&T (not AT&T) the same document will be returned by converting AT&T to ATAMPERSAND_SYMBOLampSEMICOLON_SYMBOLT with the search_analyzer.

Here's my Sense code trying this out, but the wrong document is being returned... Any help is much appreciated!

The custom analyzers and mapping:

PUT /index
    "settings": {
        "analysis": {
            "analyzer": {
                "TextIndexAnalyzer": {
                    "type": "custom",
                    "tokenizer": "standard",
                    "char_filter": [ "SpecialCharactersIndexFilter" ]
                "TextSearchAnalyzer": {
                    "type": "custom",
                    "tokenizer": "standard",
                    "char_filter": [ "SpecialCharactersSearchFilter" ]
            "char_filter": {
                "SpecialCharactersIndexFilter": {
                    "type": "mapping",
                    "mappings": [
                "SpecialCharactersSearchFilter": {
                    "type": "mapping",
                    "mappings": [
   "mappings": {
       "Doc": {
           "properties": {
               "Text": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "index_analyzer": "TextIndexAnalyzer",
                    "search_analyzer": "TextSearchAnalyzer"

Two example documents:

PUT /index/Doc/1
    "Doc.Text": "AT&T"

PUT /index/Doc/2
    "Doc.Text": "AT&T"

Want to get document _id: 1 with this search, but _id: 2 is returned:

GET /index/Doc/_search
    "query": {
        "match_phrase": {
           "Doc.Text": "AT&T"

Showing that the two analyzers return the same tokens:

POST /index/_analyze?analyzer=TextIndexAnalyzer
POST /index/_analyze?analyzer=TextSearchAnalyzer

Thanks again for any help!

You are using match_phrase but is "AT&T" a phrase? The way you have set it up, it's a term being matched not a phrase and so the closest match is AT&T

Yeah, AT&T is still a phrase I think.

I've figured out my problem. I had some incorrectness with the index and type parts of the URI for what I had in the mapping.

I have it working now.