Custom Realm and JarHell

I see somebody else had the same issue:

I followed the steps suggested there. Unfortunately, though it doesn't seem to be picking up the permission I specified in x-pack-extension-security.policy. I add code like:

if(sm != null) {
sm.checkPermission(new NetworkPermission("getProxySelector"));
AccessController.doPrivileged((PrivilegedAction) () -> {
final AsyncClient asyncClient = new AsyncClient.Builder()

this.imsClient = new IMSClient("http://localhost", Optional.of(asyncClient), imsCacheSize, imsCacheExpiryInMinutes);
return null;


However, the checkPermission is saying I don't have permission even after the I okayed the permissions when installing the custom realm plugin and the .policy file is present

[root@iel-dev-tfsr-vm1 tango-ims-realm]# pwd
[root@iel-dev-tfsr-vm1 tango-ims-realm]# ls
ims-realm-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar x-pack-extension-security.policy