Custom Visualization request /resposne

Hello Team,

I was able to create custom visualization (react visualization) , however i want to execute custom GET /POST requests from the visualization.
I tried to set httpClient from app.js something similar to custom Kibana plugin

const { httpClient } = this.props;

. but i m getting httpClinet or $http s undefined.

backend.js:1 TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of undefined

Could you please help me understand how can i execute http GET/POST requests from VisualizationController or react component .

Thank you for your help and support.

Hey @adityaPsl,

You can use kfetch to execute GET/POST requests as needed:

import { kfetch } from 'ui/kfetch';

const response = await kfetch({
    pathname: '/api/my-custom-endpoint',
    method: 'POST',
    body: JSON.stringify({ prop1: true, prop2: 'foo' }),
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Thank you very much Larry_Gregory,
I will try to implement this.
Only one query , here pathname is the path we define in server.route function right

Thank you,

Hello Larry_Gregory,

Sorry for the delay. kfetch worked for me. only thing is that i had to wrap the kefetch inside async function.

(async () => {
		const response = await kfetch({
			method: 'POST',


Thank you,

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