Custom weights for fields, custom score

Hi all !
I'm trying to make a query with a custom weights for fields and custom result score.

Suppose we have 3 fields:

  • field1 : Text,
  • field2 : Text,
  • phrase : Text.

Each field must have a different weight in the resulting score.

  • field1 (exact match, weight 70) +
  • field2 (exact match, weight 20) +
  • phrase (partial match, weight in range 0-10)

I expect to get a final score of 100 with a complete match.

I made an implementation through a "function_score" and "weight" attribute,
but this approach does not work for field "phrase".
For this field I would like to get a relevance score in the range from 0 to 10.
How can I do that ?

Below are my data and query.
Will be glad to any comments.

=== MY DATA ===

POST /_bulk
{"text_field1":"v1","text_field2":"v10","phrase":"The best of both worlds"}
{"text_field1":"v2","text_field2":"v20","phrase":"The best thing since sliced bread"}
{"text_field1":"v3","text_field2":"v30","phrase":"The best song in the world"}

=== MY QUERY ===

GET /test_score/_search
        "query": {
          "match_all": {}
        "functions": [
                "term": {
                  "text_field1": "v1"
              "weight": 70
                "term": {
                  "text_field2": "v10"
              "weight": 20
                  "phrase": "world"
              "weight": 10
        "max_boost": 105,
        "min_score": 0,
        "score_mode": "sum",
        "boost_mode": "replace"

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