Customer Interest Related Keyword search in Elastic Search

iphone - i phone - iphones

shoe - shoes

laptop - laptops

harddisk - hard disk - harddisks

Is the elastic search can give results related to above keywords?

Did you read the link I shared?

yes, i have read these docs, that you shared

Is there any reason you are not providing a full recreation script?

Can i provide the kibana query?

Anything that can help reproducing the problem by copy pasting in Kibana dev console.

When i use the keywords like (iphone, i phone, iphones) in the below query,
it gives the results like "iphone case", "iphone covers", not iphones

"query": {
"bool" : {
"must" : [
"match": {
"name": {"query":"iphone"}



We've already been through this.
You don't seem to have written any of the pre-processing code we suggested, otherwise your query JSON would look different. There is no magic shortcut here.

I am using pre-processing, as filtering my data,

But, when we use keywords in the query, as below example, for this i need to filter
data using keywords, but there is lot of keywords, and user can enter keywords as

iphone - i phone - iphones
shoe - shoes
laptop - laptops
harddisk - hard disk - harddisks

so, is there any way in elastic search, to understand the above keywords as same?

When i use the keywords like (iphone, i phone, iphones) in the below query,
it gives the results like "iphone case", "iphone covers", not iphones

"query": {
"bool" : {
"must" : [
"match": {
"name": {"query":"iphone"}



Your query processing rules can be derived from user search/click behaviour - we have tools to help with that but it's not a process that can be automated - you're going to have to write some code.

I need code solution

I am using elastic search fuzziness
and preprocessing data by filtering data, according to keywords

but there is lot of keywords
is there any analyzer in elastic search?

Here's a very good article for you

I share it because it shows there's an awful lot to consider in implementing a successful e-commerce solution, and I'm concerned we're only scratching at the surface here. I'm sorry but other commitments mean I can't continue this discussion but for a deeper level of engagement I would recommend looking at our consultancy offerings.

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I need some suggestions,
how can i create index for ecommerce site?

what are the settings and parameters, we should follow, while creating an index for ecommerce site?

Did you read the great article that was posted just before?
If there anything in it you do not understand?

What kind of E-commerce software your website is running?

kibana is not working, properly, it is very slow

Is it a related question?

Is there need to create separate topic for this?