I have deleted a few indices from Elasticsearch and I am seeing dangling index warning in my elasticsearch logs
[2017-04-16T07:12:38,760][WARN ][o.e.g.DanglingIndicesState] [coordinate-node] [[trial-2017.03.29/jgEtpX6lROC0wwOgW-w0Vw]] can not be imported as a dangling index, as an index with the same name and UUID exist in the index tombstones. This situation is likely caused by copying over the data directory for an index that was previously deleted.
Is that likely to cause any problem?
If yes, how can i get rid of this warning.
P.S. I am using elasticsearch version 5.2.2.
I am having 3 data nodes and 1 coordinate node with discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2
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