Data A first delete then index but version conflict

hello, everybody:
I have a problem. I don`t know why.
Es(version is 6.3.2) index name is [index_1].
Data A in index_1, and version is 100 (version type is external).
First, I Delete data A and search data A does not exist.
Then I insert data A(version is 100 and version type is external) immediately.
But heppen version conflict error.
I wait for about 30 seconds, I insert data A . Data A inserted successlly.
Please help me. My English is not good. So thank you very much.

This version is very old, over a year past the end of its supported life. You should upgrade as a matter of urgency.

The delete itself counts as a new version of the document, so this is what's supposed to happen. But Elasticsearch only remembers the delete for a limited length of time. See Delete API | Elasticsearch Guide [6.3] | Elastic for more information.

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