Data stream index template is resetting

One of my data stream index templates settings and mappings keeps resetting to the default values and I can't figure out why

The primary setting I've changed is total_fields limit from 2,000 to 10,000 but for some reason the settings revert back to 2,000 after a while. Typically during a rollover but not always

It is also resetting my custom mappings.

What is changing this back and how do I keep it from happening?

Thank you in advance

From Elastic Search to Elasticsearch

So for anyone else coming here from the C# world.

The problem is the Elastic Serilog Sink when Bootstrap is set to anything but None for DataStreams

The SDK does a lookup to see if a data stream template exists and unless it returns a status code 200 it will attempt to PUT a new template. Even if one already exists. Which this can happen if there is a network hiccup for whatever reason when it does the lookup.

There should be some Polly retry logic or additional checks in the event of a 502 error or something similar but at this time there is not.


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