Data table with percentiles: Using multiple fields and having a row for each field


is it possible to have a data table containing percentiles for multiple fields where each field gets its own row? Something like this:

        | 5th percentile   | 50th percentile  |  95th percentile 
field 1 | data of field 1  | data of field 1  |  data of field 1 
field 2 | data of field 2  | data of field 2  |  data of field 2


Yes, this is possible. After you've created the data table, under the "metrics" heading, instead of choosing "Count", you can select "Percentiles" as the aggregation type. Hope this helps!

Thanks for your reply.
Unfortunately, this was not my question. I know that I can create tables which contain percentiles. But what if I wanted to have the percentiles for several fields within one table?
If I create another metric and select percentiles, then the percentiles for the second field are listed next to each other, e.g.:
5th percentile -| 95th percentile | 5th percentile -| 95th percentile data of field 1 | data of field 1 | data of field 2 | data of field 2

But what I want is that they are listed below each other, e.g.:
--------| 5th percentile -| 50th percentile | 95th percentile field 1 | data of field 1 | data of field 1 | data of field 1 field 2 | data of field 2 | data of field 2 | data of field 2

Note: Hyphens are only inserted for formatting purposes.

I hope this describes my intention. Do you have any idea?
Thanks a lot

Oh, I understand. Unfortunately, it's not currently possible to do this.

Ok. Thank you very much.