Date Histogram Aggregation with predefined number of buckets possible?

I would like to get an aggregation to build a histogram off of a date field, but I would like to predefine the EXACT number of buckets to use. So for example if I have data indexed for June 1st and I ask for 10 buckets I would get something like:
2021-06-01_00-00-00-000 : 188,
2021-06-01_02-24-00-000 : 253,
2021-06-01_04-48-00-000 : 77,
2021-06-01_07-12-00-000 : 123,
2021-06-01_09-36-00-000 : 98,
2021-06-01_12-00-00-000 : 87,
2021-06-01_14-24-00-000 : 122,
2021-06-01_16-48-00-000 : 116,
2021-06-01_19-12-00-000 : 142,
2021-06-01_21-36-00-000 : 121

I know that the Auto Date Histogram is close to this however it doesn't guarantee exactly 10 buckets, it just tries to get as close as it can without going over. I know my example above is simple and most often my bucket times will be much less round of numbers than above.

Worst case I think I can get the first query result and last query result, then build a custom range aggregation, would be nice if there was something in the API to do this, so figured I would throw it out there for feedback.

Thanks, Any help is greatly appreciated!

How about the auto interval date histogram aggregation?

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