Date in logstash input

Hi, apologies if this has been asked before.

I have logstash pulling the full contents of an index from elastic on a daily basis. In elastic a new index is created every day that contains that days data, it's called index-YYYY-MM-DD.

Basically my question is how do I get logstash to enter todays date into the index name? My input code is:

input {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost:9200"
index => "index-%{+YYYY-MM-DD}"
query => '{"query" : {"match_all" : {} } }'

Thanks in advance

Is Logstash running in the background all the time or are you starting it every day to perform this action?

At the moment I'm just testing so running it manually, I hope to have it running as a service with a CRON job to pull the data daily once I've got it working

Well, either way it's not running continuously so you can set an environment variable to today's date and reference that variable in your configuration via the ${VARIABLE_NAME} notation.

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