Elasticsearch Input Plugin - Index field string to match system date

Good morning/afternoon/evening/hi,

using logstash version 1.5.3 Sorry if this has been bought up before, I have been searching for a while and can't find anything.

Life story, you don't need to read
I've been working on a pretty unique project where I have a logstash server on Centos which pulls logs from another department's elasticsearch box, which then forwards to syslog to a security box where the logs are stored and correlated.

may want to read for background
I have been having a couple of issues, as I want to run logstash all the time in the background. I have tried running the bin/logstash agent -f x.conf but I can't point it to logstash-* because there's so much data, I can't even point it to logstash-2015-08-1* because there's so much data. It times out and throws up an Exception in Thread Unsupported Operation Exception message.

The query that I run only takes a very small amount of data from the server. The only way the above works is if it I point it to today (logstash-2015-08-12 for example). That's fine.

pls read this bit
What I want to do: I want to be able for that script to run in the background all the time against logstash-YYYY-MM-DD is that possible? I get errors whenever I try.

I've seen in older versions of elasticsearch.rb (ex: https://www.omniref.com/github/elasticsearch/logstash/1.0.9/files/lib/logstash/outputs/elasticsearch.rb#line=18) that there's syntax for it. But when I try, I get an error.

  # The index to write events to. This can be dynamic using the %{foo} syntax.
  # The default value will partition your indeces by day so you can more easily
  # delete old data or only search specific date ranges.
  config :index, :validate => :string, :default => **"logstash-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"**

If I was to use that example above I get the error message:
Error: [404] {"error":"IndexMissingException[[logstash-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}] missing]","status":404} {:level=>:error}

is there a way of doing this, once this is working I can get to work of having this script running all the time. Please could someone help, I've been working on this a while with no previous experience so I just keep poking it until it works.

Thank you for your time,

  • Chris

What does your config with the query look like?

Hi Mark, thanks for the quick response, here's my input. Note I've commented out the index part. It's also worth noting that I can get the same results without the query unless I set it to today's date.

input {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => "servername.x.x"
   #index => "logstash-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
    query => '{ "query": { "filtered": { "query": { "bool": { "should": [ { "query_string": { "query": "program:sshd AND NOT @Feature:logstash" } }, { "query_string": { "query": "@LogType:eventlog AND Channel:Security" } } ] } } } } }'
    codec => json

Ideally, it would be good to use the maths from the Elasticsearch output so the config will always get the logs for today. https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/master/date-math-index-names.html

Not to worry, I've got around it by putting this in the elasticsearch.rb file

  # The index or alias to search.
  d = Time.now
  d = d.strftime("%y.%m.%d")

  config :index, :validate => :string, :default => "logstash-*" + d

hope that helps someone one day.