Date in script field

Good morning,

I'm doing examples of script fields and I have read the documentation but I don't understand how I can use date fields. My idea is get the age using scripts:

GET /prova/_search
"_source": {},
"script_fields": {
"a": {
"script": {
"lang": "painless",
"inline": "def a = '2017-09-27T00:00:00.000Z'; return['dt'].date.year"

Exist the type Date? I have read that there is: String, list, map etc. but not date, and now when I declare this variable
is a String, and thisis the cause that I can't do ".date.year

Can you help me please?



I have read that the painless use the primitive types of Java and the Date is not one of them, is imposible declare a


You need to look at the Java8 time apis. You will need to parse your string date into probably a DateTime, then convert the ReadableDateTime (a joda class) to java 8's DateTime as well in order to compare.

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