Date parsing error in ES - Invalid format


I am facing issue regarding parsing date field in ES. Here's what I am seeing in ES logs for the date:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid format: "04:08:02" is malformed at ":08:02"
        at org.joda.time.format.DateTimeParserBucket.doParseMillis( ~[joda-time-2.9.9.jar:2.9.9]
        at org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.parseMillis( ~[joda-time-2.9.9.jar:2.9.9]
        at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.DateFieldMapper$DateFieldType.parse( ~[elasticsearch-6.2.4.jar:6.2.4]
        at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.DateFieldMapper.parseCreateField( ~[elasticsearch-6.2.4.jar:6.2.4]
        at org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.FieldMapper.parse( ~[elasticsearch-6.2.4.jar:6.2.4]
        ... 57 more

This all started from here - Unable to convert field to date type with date filter

This is what an example date field's value looks like - June 17th 2018, 09:45:57.000

04:08:02 is indeed not a valid date.

You need probably to make sure you are sending a full date to elasticsearch and not only the time.

I believe this is better to keep this conversation in Unable to convert field to date type with date filter.

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