Date processor error

I'm looking to parse the following date using the "Date" ingest processor

20/Jul/2021:07:28:46 --0400

I tried doing so using these formats

dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss -ZZZZZ
dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss '-'ZZZZZ

However, I get the following error:

Text '20/Jul/2021:07:28:46 --0400' could not be parsed at index 22

What format can I use to parse the date/time string?

Try This... BTW that is a poor / atypical time format in the string with the extra -

POST /_ingest/pipeline/_simulate
  "pipeline": {
    "description": "time test",
    "version": 0,
    "processors": [
        "date": {
          "field": "mydate",
          "formats": ["dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss -Z"]
  "docs": [
      "_index": "m-index",
      "_id": "kMpUTHoBr7SFhhL5-98P",
      "_source": {
        "mydate": "20/Jul/2021:07:28:46 --0400"


  "docs" : [
      "doc" : {
        "_index" : "m-index",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "kMpUTHoBr7SFhhL5-98P",
        "_source" : {
          "mydate" : "20/Jul/2021:07:28:46 --0400",
          "@timestamp" : "2021-07-20T11:28:46.000Z"
        "_ingest" : {
          "timestamp" : "2021-07-20T18:52:20.77606153Z"

Thank you!

Unfortunately the extra - is there by default in ModSecurity logs :confused:

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Thanks! I did not know that about the mod sec logs.

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