Date Range filter is not working in the elasticsearch

The Query i'm using


{ "range":
"created_date":{"gte":"2010-05-22","lte":"2012- 05-22", "format":"yyyy-mm-dd"


the created_date format is "2010-02-19T21:02:02.000Z"

I have given created_date as the "Date" in the mapping file.
Can anyone please help me out in this solving this issue.

You have a space in lte part. Is that a typo?

It'd be better if you can send a full script which reproduces your issue.



I see records with the date 2010-02-19 in the result

It's super important to understand exactly what you are doing.
Also, please format your code. It makes easier to read.

I'm sorry dadoonet for not indenting the JSON. I have updated the JSON with the proper format. There is no space in the lte value.

I have found out the issue.

The issue was the date format : "yyyy-mm-dd"
It should be "yyyy-MM-dd"

Thank you