Date range values of urltemplate throws rison error


trying to use urltemplate variables for date range but getting rison decode error, am I doing it right ?

This is the error
rison decoder error: missing ':'

version Kibana 7.10.0 - oss

This is the url

app/dashboards#/view/**?_g=(filters:!(),refreshInterval:(pause:!t,value:0),time:(from:{{context.panel.timeRange.from}},to:{{}}))&_a=(description:'Payroll%20Category%20Breakdown',filters:{{rison context.panel.filters}},fullScreenMode:!f,options:(hidePanelTitles:!f,useMargins:!t),query:(language:kuery,query:'Element%20Category:%20{{value}}'),timeRestore:!f,title:'Payroll%20Category%20Breakdown',viewMode:view)

The part which throws error is

I tried
time:(from:{ {date context.panel.timeRange.from}},to:{{ date}}))

time:(** from:{{context.panel.timeRange.from}},to:{{}} **))
nothing works
Please help

I think there is something wrong in the URL. Try - I think if there is a special symbol, it has to be wrapped with ' .
Error handling will be improved in next major version, so Kibana would still load in case when state in query params is corrupted.
will be fixed by: #74264

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