Debug Filebeat

I'd like to debug filebeat in goland to understand how it is working internally but I get the error message:

could not launch process: could not get .debug_frame section: could not find .debug_frame section

This is in fact a go error that won't be fixed until go 1.12 and is discussed here.
However: Is there a smart way to get around that go issue or is really impossible to debug for some time.

We can't do much about go compiler issues. If I need to debug with delve, I often switch to go1.9. I use gvm to switch to another go version via eval $(gvm 1.9).

Normally I use this for debugging unit tests in single packages. Not sure if filebeat still compiles with go 1.9.

Golang uses delve. From CLI you can try gdb as well.

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Thank you!

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