I'm new to the elasticsearch and I'm with a doubt regarding geo
location feature.
In a project that I'm working on, we have a few tests that are
inserting a few locations to ElasticSearch with the following code:
final void index(final double latitude, final double longitude, final
String indexName) {
final XContentBuilder locationJson =
ElasticsearchUtil.createJsonForLocation(latitude, longitude);
This works and we already have some tests searching inside a polygon
but now I want to remove a specific "pin" (location) but the only api
that I've available is the following:
I'm new to the elasticsearch and I'm with a doubt regarding geo
location feature.
In a project that I'm working on, we have a few tests that are
inserting a few locations to Elasticsearch with the following code:
final void index(final double latitude, final double longitude, final
String indexName) {
final XContentBuilder locationJson =
ElasticsearchUtil.createJsonForLocation(latitude, longitude);
This works and we already have some tests searching inside a polygon
but now I want to remove a specific "pin" (location) but the only api
that I've available is the following:
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