I'd like to understand how delete and restore functions work. I thought if you delete a snapshot from S3, you will not be able to restore it later, but I'm having some weird behaviour. For example, if I code the following lines from terminal:
// curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/_snapshot/repository-s3/snap1
// curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_snapshot/repository-s3/_all?pretty=true'
// curl -XPOST localhost:9200/_snapshot/repository-s3/snap1
// curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_snapshot/repository-s3/_all?pretty=true'
After deleting snap1, it doesnt shows when I made the GET call and it doesn't appear either on AWS s3, but after restoring snap1, it shows again on terminal and on AWS s3 too.
I thought the restore call only worked to restore specified snapshot to the cluster, but not in AWS s3 repository.
Does it make any sense?
Any help appreciated.