Delete by query - doesn't return the number of deletions?

the delete by query call doesn't seem to return the number of
documents deleted... Is this a deliberate omission? We could perform a
search before and after the delete command, but it would be easier if
it returned the count for each index in the call.

Shall I raise a Jira for it?


Yes, it does not return it. In order to return the number its much more expensive (it does not require a refresh to do it).

On Thursday, July 14, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Ian wrote:

the delete by query call doesn't seem to return the number of
documents deleted... Is this a deliberate omission? We could perform a
search before and after the delete command, but it would be easier if
it returned the count for each index in the call.

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Shall I raise a Jira for it?
