Delete index at a regular basis

I have made different kinds of indexes into ES and everytime I want to delete some old indexes, I need to write the currator command to delete old indices. Even though I have read through the examples from, I still do not quite understand how can I follow them. Would anyone can tell me how can I make ES to regularly delete old indices automatically?

The page you link to contains an example of how to delete old indexes:

If this doesn't work for you please describe in what way it doesn't work. Providing Curator logs would probably make it easier to help.

I am originally using curator 3.5.1 but then I have upgraded to curator 4. However I could not find where curator is stored. Therefore, I would wanna know where will the configuration file be and why there will be a missing of action_file?

Here aresome screenshots for reference:

Great thanks in advance for telling where would the file be.

Please don't post screenshots of text that can be copied and pasted.

The action file is a YAML file containing the actions to execute, as found in the examples we talked about earlier. You can store your action file anywhere.

Sorry for the screenshots part.

Does that mean I need to create a new .curator directory and also my own curator.yml and action.yml file?

You can place curator.yml and action.yml anywhere you want and give them any name, but if you call the configuration file ~/.curator/curator.yml you won't have to use the --config option since the default will work. See for more information about the configuration file.

Hi @magnusbaeck,

Thanks for your answer and sorry for a late reply. I have tried creating the curator and action yaml file. However, following the example, it can only filter named index by typing the wanted-to-delete index name in the value field. How about if I want to delete any index that is older than 5 days? How can I do so?

And, how can I make the curator to run regularly on a daily basis?


However, following the example, it can only filter named index by typing the wanted-to-delete index name in the value field. How about if I want to delete any index that is older than 5 days? How can I do so?

I'm not sure what example you've been following, but the documentation's delete_indices example, Examples | Curator Reference [4.0] | Elastic, shows how to delete indices older than 45 days.

And, how can I make the curator to run regularly on a daily basis?

Use cron.

Hi @magnusbaeck
Thanks for the reply. I have followed exactly the same link where you embedded but from that example, it can only delete with index that start with logstash-. Thus, I would wonder how to delete any index that older than 5 days?

This part makes sure the deletion action only applies to indices older than 45 days:

- filtertype: age
  source: name
  direction: older
  timestring: '%Y.%m.%d'
  unit: days
  unit_count: 45

Over and out.

Hi @magnusbaeck
Thanks. I am able to solve it now.