Delete indices from AWS Lambda based on creation date

This week I decided to tackle improving a particularly convoluted piece of Python code to implement an AWS Lambda that performs a relatively simple task: delete indices for log files based on a retention policy of x days. I decided to rewrite it to not only greatly simplify it, but also to add configuration to ignore indices you don't want the Lambda to delete. Use as you see fit, improvement ideas welcome. :smile:

You will need to define two mandatory environment vars and maybe one additional optional one.

ES_ENDPOINT is the full https url to your ES instance.
RETENTION_DAYS is the number of days to retain indices, an integer value.
EXCLUDE_INDICES is an optional space-separated string with a list of indices to leave untouched.

from __future__ import print_function

# This is an AWS Lambda function written for Python 2.7 and triggered by CRON events
# to clean up logging data indices (or any other type of index with a defined retention
# period). It does this by comparing the creation date against today's date, and if the
# difference is more than the retention period in days, the index is deleted. You also
# have the option to define indexes that will not be included in the analysis.

import os
import json
import datetime
import boto3
import requests
from requests_aws4auth import AWS4Auth

# Get the endpoint from the env (set in the Lambda)
esEndPoint = os.environ["ES_ENDPOINT"]
# This string tells the ES api to get the indices and creation dates, return JSON, and sort by date
retrieveString = "/_cat/indices?h=index,"
# Start a session
session = boto3.Session()
# Get the credentials from AWS
credentials = session.get_credentials()
# Get the region from the env
region = os.environ['AWS_REGION']
# Get the retention days from the env (set in the Lambda)
retention_days = int(os.environ['RETENTION_DAYS'])
# Get the indices to exclude from deletion
excluded_indices = os.environ['EXCLUDE_INDICES']
# Generate an auth header
auth = AWS4Auth(credentials.access_key, credentials.secret_key, region, 'es', session_token=credentials.token)

# Convert a datetime string into a datetime.

def convertDate(s):
    return datetime.datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')

# Gets the current indices and their creation dates

def retrieveIndicesAndDates():
        theResult = requests.get(esEndPoint+retrieveString,auth=auth)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Unable to retrieve list of indices with creation dates.")
    return theResult.content

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # Load the list of indices
    theIndices = json.loads(retrieveIndicesAndDates())
    # For date comparison
    today =
    # Walk through the list
    for entry in theIndices:
        # Ignore the index that has the Kibana config
        if excluded_indices.find(entry["index"]) > -1:
        # Compare the creation date with today
        diff = today - convertDate(entry[""])
        # If the index was created more than retention_days ago, blow it away
        if diff.days > retention_days:
            theresult = requests.delete(esEndPoint+'/'+entry["index"])

It sounds like this blog post may be applicable.

Will Curator work if you are running the lambda in an account that is only a role and has no access to an access key, for example? in that case i believe you have to use aws4auth and auth headers.

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