Delete Indices older than 30 days

I tried that, but got the same result, then changed to IP and got the following:

    `curator_cli --host show_indices --filter_list '{"filtertype":"age","source":"name","timestring":"%Y.%m.%d","unit":"days","unit_count":30}'

2017-08-11 14:50:32,593 ERROR Schema error: required key not provided @ data['direction']
2017-08-11 14:50:32,593 ERROR Schema error: Configuration: filter: Location: singleton, filter #0: {'filtertype': 'age', 'source': 'name', 'timestring': '%Y.%m.%d', 'unit': 'days', 'unit_count': 30}: Bad Value: "(could not determine)", required key not provided @ data['direction']. Check configuration file.
Configuration: filters: Location: open singleton action "filters": Bad Value: "None", Configuration: filter: Location: singleton, filter #0: {'filtertype': 'age', 'source': 'name', 'timestring': '%Y.%m.%d', 'unit': 'days', 'unit_count': 30}: Bad Value: "(could not determine)", required key not provided @ data['direction']. Check configuration file.. Check configuration file.