Delete/update nested documents with elasticsearch Java API


I use *Elastic Search Java API *for basic *CRUD *operations on ES
documents; with root type documents it is working fine.

However when I want to delete a nested document, I don't know how to use
the Java API and scripting that *Elastic Search *provides.

I have the following root type document which has in it a nested *users property
(nested document).
"_all" : {"enabled" : false},
"_source" : {"enabled" : true},
"store" : "true",
"location" : { "type": "string", "store": "yes",
"index":"not_analyzed" },
"comments" : { "type": "string", "store": "yes",
"index":"not_analyzed" },
* "users":

  •              {*
  •                 "type":"nested",*
  •                 "store":"yes", *
  •                 "properties":*
  •                    {*
  •                       "_id" : { "type":"string", "store":"yes", 

"index":"not_analyzed" },*

  •                       "name" : { "type":"string", "store":"yes", 

"index":"not_analyzed" },*

  •                       "birthDate" : { "type":"date", "store":"yes", 

"index":"not_analyzed" }*

  •                    }*
  •              }*


If I want to add a user I do the following in *Java */ *Scala *code:

val json = "
val updateRequest = new UpdateRequest("indexName", "customer", customerId)
updateRequest.script(" if (ctx._source.users == null) { ctx._source.users =
"+json+" } else { ctx._source.users += "+json+" } ")

This works OK for adding nested *users *AKA updating the *customer root type

  • document.

How is it to be done for deleting or *updating *a specific user ID from
the nested users nested document?


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It is a bit tricky, but you can remove elements from your users nested
field by using a for loop as script with the update api.
Something like this should work:
curl -s -XPOST 'localhost:9200/test/customer/1/_update' -d '{
"script" : "for (int i = 0; i < ctx._source.users.size();
i++){if(ctx._source.users[i]._id == id){ctx._source.users.remove(i);}}",
"params" : {
"id" : "1"

In the above case the user with _id value 1 should be removed.

On 10 April 2013 08:52, Andrei Tolnai wrote:


I use *Elastic Search Java API *for basic *CRUD *operations on ES
documents; with root type documents it is working fine.

However when I want to delete a nested document, I don't know how to use
the Java API and scripting that *Elastic Search *provides.

I have the following root type document which has in it a nested *users
property (nested document).
"_all" : {"enabled" : false},
"_source" : {"enabled" : true},
"store" : "true",
"location" : { "type": "string", "store": "yes",
"index":"not_analyzed" },
"comments" : { "type": "string", "store": "yes",
"index":"not_analyzed" },
* "users":

  •              {*
  •                 "type":"nested",*
  •                 "store":"yes", *
  •                 "properties":*
  •                    {*
  •                       "_id" : { "type":"string", "store":"yes",

"index":"not_analyzed" },*

  •                       "name" : { "type":"string", "store":"yes",

"index":"not_analyzed" },*

  •                       "birthDate" : { "type":"date", "store":"yes",

"index":"not_analyzed" }*

  •                    }*
  •              }*


If I want to add a user I do the following in *Java */ *Scala *code:

val json = "
val updateRequest = new UpdateRequest("indexName", "customer", customerId)
updateRequest.script(" if (ctx._source.users == null) { ctx._source.users
= "+json+" } else { ctx._source.users += "+json+" } ")

This works OK for adding nested *users *AKA updating the customer root

How is it to be done for deleting or *updating *a specific user ID from
the nested users nested document?


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Met vriendelijke groet,

Martijn van Groningen

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Thanks for the reply Martijn!

The DELETE/REMOVE of a user does not work for me; I don't get any error
either its just that the specific user ID I put in its just not getting

However I was able to do the UPDATE for a specific user ID by adapting a
bit your DELETE script into:

for (int i = 0; i < ctx._source.users.size();
i++){if(ctx._source.users[i]._id ==
"1"){ctx._source.users[i]= "_id":"1","name":"Updated
John","birthDate":"2013-04-11T15:27:31.218Z" ;}}

Any other clues on how I should do the remove an entry from a nested array
using ES Java API?


On Wednesday, April 10, 2013 1:51:49 PM UTC+3, Martijn v Groningen wrote:

It is a bit tricky, but you can remove elements from your users nested
field by using a for loop as script with the update api.
Something like this should work:
curl -s -XPOST 'localhost:9200/test/customer/1/_update' -d '{
"script" : "for (int i = 0; i < ctx._source.users.size();
i++){if(ctx._source.users[i]._id == id){ctx._source.users.remove(i);}}",
"params" : {
"id" : "1"

In the above case the user with _id value 1 should be removed.

On 10 April 2013 08:52, Andrei Tolnai < <javascript:>>wrote:


I use *Elastic Search Java API *for basic *CRUD *operations on ES
documents; with root type documents it is working fine.

However when I want to delete a nested document, I don't know how to use
the Java API and scripting that *Elastic Search *provides.

I have the following root type document which has in it a nested *users
property (nested document).
"_all" : {"enabled" : false},
"_source" : {"enabled" : true},
"store" : "true",
"location" : { "type": "string", "store": "yes",
"index":"not_analyzed" },
"comments" : { "type": "string", "store": "yes",
"index":"not_analyzed" },
* "users":

  •              {*
  •                 "type":"nested",*
  •                 "store":"yes", *
  •                 "properties":*
  •                    {*
  •                       "_id" : { "type":"string", "store":"yes", 

"index":"not_analyzed" },*

  •                       "name" : { "type":"string", "store":"yes", 

"index":"not_analyzed" },*

  •                       "birthDate" : { "type":"date", 

"store":"yes", "index":"not_analyzed" }*

  •                    }*
  •              }*


If I want to add a user I do the following in *Java */ *Scala *code:

val json = "
val updateRequest = new UpdateRequest("indexName", "customer", customerId)
updateRequest.script(" if (ctx._source.users == null) { ctx._source.users
= "+json+" } else { ctx._source.users += "+json+" } ")

This works OK for adding nested *users *AKA updating the customer root

How is it to be done for deleting or *updating *a specific user ID
from the nested users nested document?


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Met vriendelijke groet,

Martijn van Groningen

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "elasticsearch" group.
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"for (int i = 0; i < ctx._source.users.size();
i++){if(ctx._source.users[i]._id == id){ctx._source.users.remove(i);}}",

I am not 100% sure but I think the issue about DELETE script is around the
last part: ctx._source.users.remove(i);

Could we do that remove by specifying there the the _id of the user we
want to delete from the nested array?

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Oddly enough the DELETE script seems to be working if in the array there is
only one user with a particular given id. :slight_smile:

If I have multiple users with the same _id value the script is not
removing all of them. How should the script be changed to remove all the
users that have a specific _id value?


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Hi Andrei,

I think the following should work:
"script" : "for (int i = 0; i < ctx._source.users.size();
i++){if(ctx._source.users[i]._id == id){ctx._source.users.remove(i);i--;}}"

I added: 'i--'. Once an entry is removed, the list has been shorter and we
shouldn't skip over the next entry.


On 11 April 2013 18:04, Andrei Tolnai wrote:

Oddly enough the DELETE script seems to be working if in the array there
is only one user with a particular given id. :slight_smile:

If I have multiple users with the same _id value the script is not
removing all of them. How should the script be changed to remove all the
users that have a specific _id value?


Met vriendelijke groet,

Martijn van Groningen

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "elasticsearch" group.
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Great, that worked! Thanks Martijn!

Now I have to figure out how to do a retrieve for a specific user id using
the Java API and org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetRequest


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I am using Spring data elasticsearch in
my project and I need to update an Indexed field. Is it possible to do this
using this framework??

On Wednesday, April 10, 2013 12:22:14 PM UTC+5:30, Andrei Tolnai wrote:


I use *Elastic Search Java API *for basic *CRUD *operations on ES
documents; with root type documents it is working fine.

However when I want to delete a nested document, I don't know how to use
the Java API and scripting that *Elastic Search *provides.

I have the following root type document which has in it a nested *users
property (nested document).
"_all" : {"enabled" : false},
"_source" : {"enabled" : true},
"store" : "true",
"location" : { "type": "string", "store": "yes",
"index":"not_analyzed" },
"comments" : { "type": "string", "store": "yes",
"index":"not_analyzed" },
* "users":

  •              {*
  •                 "type":"nested",*
  •                 "store":"yes", *
  •                 "properties":*
  •                    {*
  •                       "_id" : { "type":"string", "store":"yes", 

"index":"not_analyzed" },*

  •                       "name" : { "type":"string", "store":"yes", 

"index":"not_analyzed" },*

  •                       "birthDate" : { "type":"date", "store":"yes", 

"index":"not_analyzed" }*

  •                    }*
  •              }*


If I want to add a user I do the following in *Java */ *Scala *code:

val json = "
val updateRequest = new UpdateRequest("indexName", "customer", customerId)
updateRequest.script(" if (ctx._source.users == null) { ctx._source.users
= "+json+" } else { ctx._source.users += "+json+" } ")

This works OK for adding nested *users *AKA updating the customer root

How is it to be done for deleting or *updating *a specific user ID from
the nested users nested document?


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I have tried to update or remove the nested object in the same way as
suggested , but this is not working

I am doing this

client.update({"index": "daffosw","type": "daffo","id": "2501","body": {
"script" : "for (int i = 0; i < ctx._source.users.size(); i++){
if(ctx._source.users[i]_id == id){
ctx._source.users[i].name = 'Updated John';
"params" : {
"id" : "1"

my users field contain the following

"users": [
"code": "abcd",
"_id": "1",
"name": "naveen"
"code": "efgh",
"_id": "2",
"name": "rajit"
"code": "ijkl",
"_id": "3",
"name": "ashu"

and I am getting this error

VerifyError[Bad type on operand stack
Exception Details:
ASMAccessorImpl_11232799721412745799160.setValue(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Lorg/elasticsearch/common/mvel2/integration/VariableResolverFactory;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; @49: invokeinterface
Type 'java/lang/Object' (current frame, stack[1]) is not assignable to integer
Current Frame:
bci: @49
flags: { }
locals: { 'ASMAccessorImpl_11232799721412745799160', 'java/lang/Object', 'java/lang/Object', 'org/elasticsearch/common/mvel2/integration/VariableResolverFactory', 'java/lang/Object' }
stack: { 'java/util/List', 'java/lang/Object' }
0000000: 2d12 0eb9 0014 0200 b900 1a01 00c0 001c
0000010: 121e b900 2202 00c0 001c 1224 b900 2202
0000020: 00c0 0026 2d12 28b9 0014 0200 b900 1a01
0000030: 00b9 002b 0200 c000 2d12 2f19 04b6 0035
0000040: 1904 b0
Error: VerifyError[Bad type on operand stack
Exception Details:

On Friday, April 12, 2013 1:16:33 AM UTC+5:30, Martijn v Groningen wrote:

Hi Andrei,

I think the following should work:
"script" : "for (int i = 0; i < ctx._source.users.size();
i++){if(ctx._source.users[i]._id == id){ctx._source.users.remove(i);i--;}}"

I added: 'i--'. Once an entry is removed, the list has been shorter and we
shouldn't skip over the next entry.


On 11 April 2013 18:04, Andrei Tolnai < <javascript:>>

Oddly enough the DELETE script seems to be working if in the array there
is only one user with a particular given id. :slight_smile:

If I have multiple users with the same _id value the script is not
removing all of them. How should the script be changed to remove all the
users that have a specific _id value?


Met vriendelijke groet,

Martijn van Groningen

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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
To view this discussion on the web visit
For more options, visit


I figured it out, I am able to update but I am not able to remove object
that satisfies the condition

PUT twitter/twit/1
"list": [
"tweet_id": "1",
"a": "b"
"tweet_id": "123",
"a": "f"

POST /twitter/twit/1/_update
"script": "foreach (item : ctx._source.list) {if (item['tweet_id'] ==
tweet_id) { item['new_field'] = 'ghi'; } }",
"params": {
"tweet_id": "123"
this is working

for remove i am doing this

POST /twitter/twit/1/_update
"script": "foreach (item : ctx._source.list) {if (item['tweet_id'] ==
tweet_id) {ctx._source.list.remove(item); } }",
"params": {
"tweet_id": "123"

*but this is not working and giving this error, *

ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[failed to execute script]; nested:
Error: ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[failed to execute script];
nested: ConcurrentModificationException;

please help........

On Wednesday, April 10, 2013 12:22:14 PM UTC+5:30, Andrei Tolnai wrote:


I use *Elastic Search Java API *for basic *CRUD *operations on ES
documents; with root type documents it is working fine.

However when I want to delete a nested document, I don't know how to use
the Java API and scripting that *Elastic Search *provides.

I have the following root type document which has in it a nested *users
property (nested document).
"_all" : {"enabled" : false},
"_source" : {"enabled" : true},
"store" : "true",
"location" : { "type": "string", "store": "yes",
"index":"not_analyzed" },
"comments" : { "type": "string", "store": "yes",
"index":"not_analyzed" },
* "users":

  •              {*
  •                 "type":"nested",*
  •                 "store":"yes", *
  •                 "properties":*
  •                    {*
  •                       "_id" : { "type":"string", "store":"yes", 

"index":"not_analyzed" },*

  •                       "name" : { "type":"string", "store":"yes", 

"index":"not_analyzed" },*

  •                       "birthDate" : { "type":"date", "store":"yes", 

"index":"not_analyzed" }*

  •                    }*
  •              }*


If I want to add a user I do the following in *Java */ *Scala *code:

val json = "
val updateRequest = new UpdateRequest("indexName", "customer", customerId)
updateRequest.script(" if (ctx._source.users == null) { ctx._source.users
= "+json+" } else { ctx._source.users += "+json+" } ")

This works OK for adding nested *users *AKA updating the customer root

How is it to be done for deleting or *updating *a specific user ID from
the nested users nested document?


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "elasticsearch" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
To view this discussion on the web visit
For more options, visit

"script": "removeObjects = new java.util.ArrayList(); foreach (item :
ctx._source.list) {if (item['tweet_id'] == tweet_id)
{removeObjects.add(item) } }

2014년 10월 8일 수요일 오후 8시 12분 55초 UTC+9, Rajit Garg 님의 말:


I figured it out, I am able to update but I am not able to remove object
that satisfies the condition

PUT twitter/twit/1
"list": [
"tweet_id": "1",
"a": "b"
"tweet_id": "123",
"a": "f"

POST /twitter/twit/1/_update
"script": "foreach (item : ctx._source.list) {if (item['tweet_id'] ==
tweet_id) { item['new_field'] = 'ghi'; } }",
"params": {
"tweet_id": "123"
this is working

for remove i am doing this

POST /twitter/twit/1/_update
"script": "foreach (item : ctx._source.list) {if (item['tweet_id'] ==
tweet_id) {ctx._source.list.remove(item); } }",
"params": {
"tweet_id": "123"

*but this is not working and giving this error, *

ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[failed to execute script]; nested:
Error: ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[failed to execute script];
nested: ConcurrentModificationException;

please help........

On Wednesday, April 10, 2013 12:22:14 PM UTC+5:30, Andrei Tolnai wrote:


I use *Elastic Search Java API *for basic *CRUD *operations on ES
documents; with root type documents it is working fine.

However when I want to delete a nested document, I don't know how to use
the Java API and scripting that *Elastic Search *provides.

I have the following root type document which has in it a nested *users
property (nested document).
"_all" : {"enabled" : false},
"_source" : {"enabled" : true},
"store" : "true",
"location" : { "type": "string", "store": "yes",
"index":"not_analyzed" },
"comments" : { "type": "string", "store": "yes",
"index":"not_analyzed" },
* "users":

  •              {*
  •                 "type":"nested",*
  •                 "store":"yes", *
  •                 "properties":*
  •                    {*
  •                       "_id" : { "type":"string", "store":"yes", 

"index":"not_analyzed" },*

  •                       "name" : { "type":"string", "store":"yes", 

"index":"not_analyzed" },*

  •                       "birthDate" : { "type":"date", "store":"yes", 

"index":"not_analyzed" }*

  •                    }*
  •              }*


If I want to add a user I do the following in *Java */ *Scala *code:

val json = "
val updateRequest = new UpdateRequest("indexName", "customer", customerId)
updateRequest.script(" if (ctx._source.users == null) { ctx._source.users
= "+json+" } else { ctx._source.users += "+json+" } ")

This works OK for adding nested *users *AKA updating the customer root

How is it to be done for deleting or *updating *a specific user ID
from the nested users nested document?


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "elasticsearch" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
To view this discussion on the web visit
For more options, visit

Thanks this is working

On Tuesday, October 28, 2014 8:40:12 AM UTC+5:30, wrote:

"script": "removeObjects = new java.util.ArrayList(); foreach (item :
ctx._source.list) {if (item['tweet_id'] == tweet_id)
{removeObjects.add(item) } }

2014년 10월 8일 수요일 오후 8시 12분 55초 UTC+9, Rajit Garg 님의 말:


I figured it out, I am able to update but I am not able to remove object
that satisfies the condition

PUT twitter/twit/1
"list": [
"tweet_id": "1",
"a": "b"
"tweet_id": "123",
"a": "f"

POST /twitter/twit/1/_update
"script": "foreach (item : ctx._source.list) {if (item['tweet_id'] ==
tweet_id) { item['new_field'] = 'ghi'; } }",
"params": {
"tweet_id": "123"
this is working

for remove i am doing this

POST /twitter/twit/1/_update
"script": "foreach (item : ctx._source.list) {if (item['tweet_id'] ==
tweet_id) {ctx._source.list.remove(item); } }",
"params": {
"tweet_id": "123"

*but this is not working and giving this error, *

ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[failed to execute script]; nested:
Error: ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[failed to execute script];
nested: ConcurrentModificationException;

please help........

On Wednesday, April 10, 2013 12:22:14 PM UTC+5:30, Andrei Tolnai wrote:


I use *Elastic Search Java API *for basic *CRUD *operations on ES
documents; with root type documents it is working fine.

However when I want to delete a nested document, I don't know how to use
the Java API and scripting that *Elastic Search *provides.

I have the following root type document which has in it a nested *users
property (nested document).
"_all" : {"enabled" : false},
"_source" : {"enabled" : true},
"store" : "true",
"location" : { "type": "string", "store": "yes",
"index":"not_analyzed" },
"comments" : { "type": "string", "store": "yes",
"index":"not_analyzed" },
* "users":

  •              {*
  •                 "type":"nested",*
  •                 "store":"yes", *
  •                 "properties":*
  •                    {*
  •                       "_id" : { "type":"string", "store":"yes", 

"index":"not_analyzed" },*

  •                       "name" : { "type":"string", "store":"yes", 

"index":"not_analyzed" },*

  •                       "birthDate" : { "type":"date", 

"store":"yes", "index":"not_analyzed" }*

  •                    }*
  •              }*


If I want to add a user I do the following in *Java */ *Scala *code:

val json = "
val updateRequest = new UpdateRequest("indexName", "customer",
updateRequest.script(" if (ctx._source.users == null) {
ctx._source.users = "+json+" } else { ctx._source.users += "+json+" } ")

This works OK for adding nested *users *AKA updating the customer root

How is it to be done for deleting or *updating *a specific user ID
from the nested users nested document?


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